the whole sheet...

thoughts. things. a rudimentary digital garden.

the whole sheet… | thoughts. things. a rudimentary digital garden.

hello and welcome! i’m walder and i’ve been using computers and the internet for a very long time. i managed to let a lot of years slip by me before i realized that i know a lot of things about a lot of things, not enough things about many other things, and have probably forgotten more things than i’ll ever remember i forgot!

in an attempt to rectify this, my plan is to have my own digital garden of sorts. a place to gather everything and anything in order to retain the knowledge i have, the knowledge i will further gain, and, ultimately, the knowledge of my existence.

this site is officially “under construction” indefinitely so please feel free to check back often. also, at least at this moment in time, it’s named “the whole sheet…” because, as long as i’m around, there will be a continuous supply of things. that’s right, this site is going to have all the shit and the best part is it’s all made free and openly available to everybody and anybody who wants to access it!

this site is based on the jekyll theme gradfolio and hosted on github pages. the source code is available on my github repo. please, free free to report any issues, thank you!